MOSES NWAISE CHEKWUME is an accountant by training, a visionary entrepreneur and a Nigerian businessman. He is the MD/CEO of Reliance Economic Advancement Limited (REAL), a real estate company and developers of Enu-Ani Mega City, a world class residence in Asaba captioned (Green is the new colour of Luxury). Enu-Ani Mega City is first Green Luxury Residence in Nigeria.
Started working with the Nigerian Bottling Company (Coca cola) at an early age of 18 in 1989 as a wages clerk. Though schooling while working he was able to gain on the job experience that made him grow to a senior accountant. He resigned from NBC in 2003 to establish his business MOSSEY Nigeria Enterprise, an ICT company that provided internet services. At that time he ventured into fish farming before he registered Reliance Economic Advancement Limited. Reliance Economic Advancement Limited (REAL) started as a finance company and later metamorphosed into a real estate company. It has since developed numerous estates in Asaba Capital territory, Delta State. Currently being developed is a Mega City called “Enu-Ani Mega City”, a green luxury residence.
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